Can YachtHop! cater to groups

  • With a wealth of knowledge in serving one of the biggest Tour Operators for 18-35, we have developed the know – how to cater for large groups, specialized sailing trips & themed cruises.

  • Be it a corporate event, that you want to offer something special like a sailing regatta, or an incentive that you ‘d like to include a treasure hunt on an island, YachtHop can deliver in a unique fashion your partners’ events !

  • We can also propose a tailor-made sailing itinerary, designed just for your clients’ needs, without you having to worry about the logistics of it and be able to resell to your foreign partners.

  • With an ever-growing demand for content, we can plan and offer a unique media trip, fam trip or promotional sailing trip that will help grow your sales by exploring some beautiful destinations and some amazing swim spots only reached by boat.


1, Poseidonos Ave., 174 55
Alimos, Athens Greece
Tel +30 210 9811 515
Fax +30 210 9811 990

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Member of the istion yachting group